Created by Margaret & Tony 3 years ago
When Ken and Chris joined Tilehurst Free Church like us, they hadn`t been raised in a Christian home so it was a whole new world. People talked about Christian things which was like a foreign language and to speak betrayed our ignorance. They were so down to earth and comfortable in themselves that they asked all the questions we would have done with their courage. They became great friends over the years with their children playing with ours and that friendship grew, and they are special friends. It has been thrilling to see how they answered God’s call to full time ministry in Yeldall and how the Lord has used their unique personalities to get alongside people. Ken’s strong leadership in many roles with his honesty and genuine love for sharing the gospel has touched many lives. Both our lads had a love for him and feel the sadness of losing him, enjoying his sense of humour hugely. His quiet acceptance of failing health, knowing the Lord would heal him if there was more for him to do, and his unfailing trust in God`s goodness made visiting a joy. We will miss him but knowing we will see him in Glory takes out the sting. Precious memories and love from the Pitkethly’s